Other Funds

GoalsGetter Nikko AM NZ Corporate Bond Fund

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About the fund

The fund invests in a selection of NZ dollar denominated bonds issued by banks and companies, providing investors with a regular income. The fund may experience modest ups and downs in value.

Risk Indicator (volatility)

3 Medium

Target Asset Allocation

Income 100.00%


As of 28 February 2025

Market Overview

  • After some volatility February finished as a positive month for bond markets with yields slightly lower.
  • Yield curve remains steep and should garner more investor interest at some stage with longer government bonds trading higher than swap rates.
  • The NZ bond issuance calendar remains light which should continue to support credit margins.

Fund Commentary

The fund had a positive return of 0.57% for February outperforming its benchmark the Bloomberg Credit Index which returned 0.34%.

The move lower in interest rates was the main driver of absolute and relative returns over the month. And the longer duration position was helpful as rates moved lower. The benchmark does not include any government holdings although the fund does have a small weighting. Credit margins should remain supported with limited issuance. We expect bonds can continue to perform well as cash rates are moved lower and investors seek value further along the curve.


GoalsGetter KiwiSaver Scheme
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at 28 February 2025
One month Three months One year Three years (p.a) Five years (p.a)
Fund performance1 0.50% 1.38% 7.91% 3.76% 1.77%
Appropriate Market Index (AMI)2 0.34% 1.46% 8.09% 4.15% 2.21%
  1. Returns are before tax and after the deduction of fees and expenses and including tax credits (if any).
  2. AMI: Bloomberg NZBond Credit 0+ year Index.

5 year cumulative performance $10,000 invested

Top 10 Holdings

Security Name Percentage
Housing NZ 1.534% 10/09/2035 3.88%
NZ Local Govt Funding Agency 150437 2.00 GB 3.40%
Insurance Australia Group Ltd 150628 5.32 Cb 3.17%
NZLGFA 3% 15/05/2035 3.00%
Westpac New Zealand Ltd 160932 6.19 Cb 2.84%
Housing NZ 3.42% 18/10/2028 2.62%
Dunedin City Treasury 101033 4.966 Lb 2.56%
Chorus Ltd 4.35% 06/12/2028 2.25%
Air New Zealand Ltd Sydney Branch 250529 6.50 Cb 2.24%
Westpac New Zealand Ltd 140234 6.73 Cb 2.20%