Single Sector Fund

Nikko AM NZ Bond Fund

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About the fund

The fund invests in a broad selection of NZ dollar denominated bonds issued by Governments, Government entities, banks and companies, providing investors with a regular income. The fund may experience modest ups and downs in value. 

Risk Indicator (volatility)

4 Medium to High

Target Asset Allocation

Income 100.00%

Find out more about the NZ bond fund from Ian Bellow

Ian is a Fixed Income Manager here at Nikko AM. In this video, Ian talks about the NZ Bond Fund and describes what this fund aims to achieve in terms of returns. Ian also explains what sets this fund apart from the rest and why you should consider the NZ Bond Fund for your next investment.


As of 31 December 2024

Market Overview
  • Bond returns were positive over the quarter with October negative and November and December both positive months.
  • The yield curve steepened in shape over the quarter as short-term rates performed better than longer maturity bonds.
  • There has been an increase in new bond deals to the market which has caused a modest widening in credit margins.

Fund Commentary 

The fund returned 0.83% for December outperforming its benchmark the Bloomberg Composite which returned 0.61%. Returns for the quarter were fund 0.65%, and benchmark 0.67%. The move in interest rates was the main driver of absolute and relative returns. The fund has a longer duration positioning which had mixed results over the quarter as shorter bonds performed better than longer maturities in terms of interest rates moves. Credit margins have widened slightly (from previously tight levels) with an increase in issuance, but a gradual widening should benefit returns through a higher yield over the medium term. The fund holds an increased weighting to NZ government bonds as these have become cheap relative to swap with margins expanding as a function of greater supply. Over the quarter the fund had inflows, and we reduced the longer duration positioning in view of offshore moves remaining unhelpful with yield curves steepening.


We continue to favour adding quality credit to maintain a higher fund yield which has proved a consistent value add over time. We expect bonds can continue to perform well as cash rates are moved lower. The upward sloping yield curve will provide the fund with opportunity to execute a carry and roll strategy which should provide an additional contribution to future returns.


Nikko AM Investment Scheme
Open Close


at 31 December 2024
One month Three months One year Three years (p.a) Five years (p.a)
Fund performance1 0.75% 0.46% 5.92% 1.85% 1.14%
Appropriate Market Index (AMI)2 0.61% 0.67% 5.69% 1.38% 0.60%
  1. Returns are before tax and after the deduction of fees and expenses and including tax credits (if any).
  2. AMI: Bloomberg NZBond Composite 0+ year Index.

5 year cumulative performance $10,000 invested

Top 10 Holdings

Security Name Percentage
NZ Government 150534 4.25 Gb 7.29%
NZ Government 2.75% 15/04/2037 7.22%
NZ Government 150541 1.75 GB 6.32%
New Zealand Government 150535 4.50 Gb 4.13%
Nzlgfa 4.5% 15/05/2030 3.76%
New Zealand Government 150531 1.50 Gb 3.43%
Rabo 5.31% 05/04/2029 2.87%
NZ Government Bond 2% 15/05/2032 2.72%
Housing NZ 1.534% 10/09/2035 2.58%
Bank Of New Zealand Cash at Call 2.52%
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