Single Sector Fund

Nikko AM Global Bond Fund

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About the fund

The fund invests in a selection of bonds and other  fixed income instruments issued by companies and governments from around the world, covering a wide range of regions and sectors. This fund provides exposure to fixed income products outside of NZ and currency exposure is hedged to remove the impact of changes in value of the NZ dollar.

Risk Indicator (volatility)

4 Medium to High

Target Asset Allocation

Income 100.00%


As of 31 December 2024

Market Overview
  • December began with a continuation of post-election optimism as the US dollar strengthened (+2.6%) and rates on the long end of the US curve sold off following a strong November jobs report.
  • Emerging market currencies generally weakened versus the dollar, led by the Korean won (-4.8%), which fell early in the month on the declaration of martial law and continued to weaken as the political turmoil unfolded.
  • The BoE held rates at 4.75% as GDP contracted for a second consecutive month and inflation continued to rise and track marginally above the BoE forecast.

Fund Commentary 

The portfolio underperformed its benchmark in the fourth quarter of 2024. The Government Swap Selection and Duration strategies detracted, while the Corporate Selection strategy performed well.

The steepener position in European rates was the main driver of underperformance in the Government Swap Selection strategy. In October, European rates sold off, and the curve flattened. This was driven by upside surprises to GDP and inflationary data at the end of the month, which raised doubts surrounding the trajectory of ECB rate cuts.

The duration strategy also detracted from returns as a result of the portfolio being overweight to UK rates. UK rates sold off following the announcement of larger-than-expected gilt issuance for the current fiscal year, with the yield at the 2-year node – where the views were primarily expressed – increasing by over 40bps.

Corporate Selection strategy contributed to excess returns. This was driven by the portfolio’s down-in-quality bias within IG corporates, as BBB-rated bonds outperformed their higher-quality counterparts over the quarter. There was also a contribution from the overweight allocation to the intermediate-maturity part of the corporate credit curve, which is implemented to harvest carry-and-roll. 


Nikko AM Investment Scheme
Open Close


at 31 December 2024
One month Three months One year Three years (p.a) Five years (p.a)
Fund performance1 -0.85% -1.65% 2.78% -1.40% 0.28%
Appropriate Market Index (AMI)2 -0.88% -1.20% 3.03% -1.04% 0.18%
  1. Returns are before tax and after the deduction of fees and expenses and including tax credits (if any).
  2. AMI: Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index hedged into NZD.

5 year cumulative performance $10,000 invested

Top 10 Holdings

Security Name Percentage
United States Treasury 250225 0.00 Gb 6.27%
France Republic Of Government 080125 0.00Gb 5.74%
Japan Treasury Disc Bill 250225 0.00 Gb 4.22%
Rbc Collateral A/C 4.03%
Federal National Mortgage Associtation 150144 0.00 Tba 3.48%
French Discount T Bill 050225 0.00 Gb 2.84%
Japan Treasury Disc Bill 200125 0.00 Gb 2.36%
Federal National Mortgage Association 150144 0.00 Tba 2.05%
Federal National Mortgage Association 150146 0.0 Tba 2.02%
French Discount T-Bill 220125 0.00 Gb 1.85%
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