Diversified Funds

Nikko AM Conservative Fund

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About the fund

This fund aims for more modest investment returns which grow steadily over time, keeping ups and downs to a minimum. The fund does this by investing mostly in bonds and cash, but also has a moderate exposure to shares.

Risk Indicator (volatility)

4 Medium to High

Target Asset Allocation

Growth 23.00%
Income 77.00%

Find out more about Diversified Funds from Alan Clarke

Hear from Alan Clarke, Portfolio Manager. In this video, he explains what an average day in his job looks like and how Diversified Funds work. Alan also talks us through the investment process and details the main reasons why you should consider a Diversified Fund for your next investment.


As of 28 February 2025

Market Overview

  • February was a ‘month of two halves’, with the strong returns seen in January continuing into the first two weeks of the month, before investor sentiment turned and global equity markets moved lower.
  • In the US earnings per share growth for S&P500 companies was 12% for 4Q2025, ahead of expectations for 8% growth.
  • Europe and UK equity markets, as well as Hong Kong and China, continued their strong start to 2025, while the US was once again a laggard versus the broader market. New Zealand and Australian equities were also weak, falling 3% and 4% respectively.

Fund Commentary

Returns for Conservative Fund investors were flat in February, with the weakness in equity markets off-set by solid returns from the defensive asset classes.

All of the ‘growth asset classes’ (equities and listed property) were down in absolute terms for the month, with the exception of unhedged global equities which posted a small gain. In terms of relative performance the funds were behind benchmark, with Core, Concentrated and Global Equities all underperforming. WCM (‘growth’ style) has been the stand-out manager in recent times for the Global Multi-Manager Equity Fund, however they underperformed in February. AppLovin is the largest position in the WCM portfolio and the share price fell 11% on some negative reports from short-sellers. Progressive (held by Royal London and Nikko-Europe), SAAB (WCM) and Yum!Brands (JPM) all posted strong gains for the month. The Concentrated and Core Equity funds underperformed the NZ equity market, driven by positions in Ryman and Spark. Ryman surprised the market with a large $1bln capital raising to reduce debt and gearing levels, while Spark was down after another weak earnings release. Overweight positions to Worley, A2 Milk and Contact Energy all added value with following solid earnings results. The domestic bond funds outperformed thanks to the long duration positioning which benefited from the fall in interest rates, while the Global Bond Fund was flat versus benchmark.


Nikko AM Investment Scheme
Open Close


at 28 February 2025
One month Three months One year Three years (p.a) Five years (p.a)
Fund performance1 -0.12% 0.53% 8.18% 3.36% 2.83%
Appropriate Market Index (AMI)2 0.27% 0.92% 8.20% 3.54% 3.10%
  1. Returns are before tax and after the deduction of fees and expenses and including tax credits (if any).
  2. AMI:Composite - refer to Nikko AM NZ Investment Scheme OMI

5 year cumulative performance $10,000 invested

Top 10 Holdings

Security Name Percentage
Jpm Global Select Equity X Acc Usd 4.13%
French Discount T-Bill 190325 0.00 Gb 1.65%
NZ Government 150534 4.25 Gb 1.57%
NZ Government 2.75% 15/04/2037 1.52%
NZ Local Govt Funding Agency 150425 2.75 GB 1.47%
Housing NZ Ltd 3.36% 12/06/2025 1.32%
NZ Government 150541 1.75 GB 1.24%
Japan Treasury Disc Bill 190525 0.00 Gb 1.22%
Federal National Mortgage Association 150344 0.00 Tba 1.20%
French Discount T-Bill 160425 0.00 Gb 1.16%
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