Single Sector Fund

Nikko AM Concentrated Equity Fund

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About the fund

This fund provides investors with concentrated exposure to New Zealand and Australian share markets from an actively managed investment portfolio of high conviction companies. The manager selects companies for investment where they have a strong view on the medium-term outlook for positive returns.

In times of high uncertainty or low conviction the fund can hold more cash than typical Australasian shares funds.

Risk Indicator (volatility)

5 High

Target Asset Allocation

Growth 100.00%

Find out more about the Concentrated Fund from Michael Sherrock

Michael is the Head of Equities at Nikko AM. In this video, he explains what an average day in his job looks like, what he's trying to achieve with this portfolio, and what he sees as a good investment. Michael also talks us through the investment process and outlines the main reasons why you should consider the Concentrated Fund for your next investment.


As of 31 December 2024

Market Overview
  • Global equity markets had a mixed performance over the quarter as earnings results, the US election result and central banks cutting rates impacted on returns
  • The United States S&P 500 index rose 2.1%, the Japanese Nikkei 225 gained 5.2%, the UK FTSE 100 index declined 0.8%, the Australian ASX 200 index lost 0.8% and the MSCI World index ended the quarter up 1.3% (in local terms).
  • The S&P/NZX 50 index ended the quarter up 5.6%.

Fund Commentary 

The largest positive contributors to the fund’s return were positions in Arcadium Lithium (LTM), Aristocrat Leisure (ALL) and Contact Energy (CEN). During the quarter LTM received a takeover bid from Rio Tinto at US$5.85 per share which the LTM board endorsed and was approved by shareholders. On the back of this, LTM rose 93.4% (in AUD) over the quarter. ALL continued its recent strong run, up 17.4% (in AUD), helped by a solid FY24 earnings result. After a relatively weak September quarter, CEN bounced back in the December quarter, aided by speculation that it may be added to the MSCI World Standard index in early 2025. CEN was up 16.3% over the period.

The largest negative contributors to the fund’s return were from positions NextDC (NXT), Waypoint REIT (WPR) and Worley (WOR). Given the relatively weak Australian market over the quarter, Australian held stocks were generally a drag to fund performance. NXT fell 13.9% (in AUD) as it continues to digest its $550m capital raise from September while WOR gave up 7.6% (in AUD) on no specific news. WPR was a casualty of the weak Australian market with the real estate sector particularly weak. WPR ended the quarter down 10.2% (in AUD).

Portfolio changes over the quarter included adding to our positions in Ingenia (INA), Meridian Energy (MEL), NextDC (NXT), Ryman Healthcare (RYM), Spark (SPK), Sky Network Television (SKT), WPR and WOR. The fund’s positions in Infratil (IFT), ALL, CEN and Summerset (SUM) were reduced. The fund’s position in Auckland International Airport was divested.

(Bold denotes stocks held in the portfolio).


Nikko AM Investment Scheme
Open Close


at 31 December 2024
One month Three months One year Three years (p.a) Five years (p.a)
Fund performance1 -0.67% 4.28% 12.46% 1.02% 4.90%
Appropriate Market Index (AMI)2 0.40% 5.62% 12.24% 1.03% 3.44%
  1. Returns are before tax and after the deduction of fees and expenses and including tax credits (if any).
  2. AMI: SS&P/NZX 50 Index Gross with Imputation Credits.

5 year cumulative performance $10,000 invested

Top 10 Holdings

Security Name Percentage
Contact Energy Limited 10.63%
NEXTDEC Ltd 9.58%
Infratil Limited 9.51%
Summerset Group Holdings Ltd 8.31%
Spark New Zealand Ltd 7.64%
Worley Limited 7.59%
Ingenia Communities Group 6.23%
Aristocrat Leisure Ltd 6.03%
Waypoint REIT Fully Paid Ord Units Stapled Securities 5.48%
Ryman Healthcare Ltd 5.39%
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