Guide to New Features

Knowing about our new features is one thing but learning how to use them is another. That's why we've put together this guide to help you optimise your GoalsGetter experience.

Click on one of the following features to learn more:

  1. Multi-Factor Authentication & Password Change 
  2. Switch your future contributions
  3. Choose which funds to redeem from
  4. Setting up a Joint Investment
  5. Link your children's investment to your GoalsGetter account
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) & Change Password

You can now enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your GoalsGetter account and we've also made it easier to change your password. Simply go to My Details.

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To enable or disable MFA you can check or uncheck the box found here:

Change password

When you enable MFA you will be presented with a QR code. Go to your preferred authenticator app and add GoalsGetter using this QR code.

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To change your password, stay on the My Details page and click on Change password.

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Setting up a Joint Investment

The option to invite a secondary investor to your new investment will be offered at the end of your investment application:

joint investment

Once you have submitted your secondary investor details we will email them an invitation which they will need to submit back to us.

After that, both you and the secondary investor will have access to view and make changes to your joint investment from your GoalsGetter dashboard.

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Switch your future contributions

To switch your investment's future contributions go to your GoalsGetter dashboard, select the investment you would like to amend and click Edit:

switch funds

Under the chart click on the Switch funds button.


Select the option to Allocate future contributions to a new fund and proceed with the choosing your new funds or changing the percentage weight allocated to existing funds. 

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Choosing which funds to redeem from

If you have invested in more than one fund you can now choose which fund to redeem from or just redeem across all.

To make a redemption go to your GoalsGetter dashboard, select the investment you would like to redeem from and click on the Make a Redemption button.  

If you wish to redeem from a specific fund then select Partial as your redemption type and then click Yes to confirm you would like to choose a specific fund to redeem from and proceed to complete your request.

Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 1.28.46 PMScreenshot 2023-06-20 at 1.29.29 PM

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Linking your child's investment to your GoalsGetter Account
To link your child's investment to your GoalsGetter account you will need to email your request alongside your child's investment number.
Once we have linked your accounts you will be able to see the investment in your GoalsGetter dashboard.

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The GoalsGetter Guide to Managed Funds

The GoalsGetter Guide to Managed Funds

Get our free guide to help you understand the basics of investing in Managed Funds.

Get the guide now

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