Learn how GoalsGetter can be used by Financial Advisers to recommend clients into the Nikko AM retail investment funds and GoalsGetter KiwiSaver Scheme.
Request more informationIf you’re a Financial Adviser working with individual and joint clients, GoalsGetter is a great tool to use with them to help them set, track and achieve their wealth goals under your guidance.
With a selection of Nikko AM investment funds alongside the GoalsGetter KiwiSaver Scheme, which offers funds from NZ's leading fund managers, you have the ability to build personalised and diversified investment portfolios in a simple and cost-effective manner for your clients.
Our easy-to-use, smart interface is designed specifically for retail customers, and allows clients to see all their investments with Nikko AM in one place.
Other benefits of using GoalsGetter for your clients include:
GoalsGetter automates and streamlines the operational side of your business, so you can spend more time with clients and growing your business.
Other benefits of GoalsGetter for advisers include:
Onboarding your clients is an easy process. click below to view an overview of the steps.
Looking to maximise your KiwiSaver potential? Get expert advice from an independent adviser near you to set goals, choose the best options, and adapt your strategy as life changes.
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